
I’m writing this post because I’ve got some excellent news to share!

A panellist has selected my Bass guitar blog as one of the Top 30 Bass Guitar Blogs on the web! Being featured on this comprehensive list is a great honour, and I encourage you to check it out!

I’ve also been busy lately playing with The Thomas Heppell Band where we’ve played some fantastic venues and events such as:

Other gigs we’ve got coming up are:

It would be great to see you there!

One particularly great evening was had at The Tuesday Night Music Club in Sutton where we were fortunate to be given a slot (the calibre of acts they book is fantastic, I saw the Cinelli Brothers there, and it may have been the best gig I have ever been to). Anyway, this great evening of music was noted down by Blues in Britain magazine where they had some kind words to say about our performance.

I also had a pretty extraordinary gig playing with Natalie Shay’s headline slot at OMEARA. Definitely check out her and all the amazing gigs she’s got coming up! The images speak for themselves:

Lastly, I’ve had some great function gigs recently, such as playing at:

Though as they are private parties I can’t disclose about them!

Overall, I’m over the moon with how things are coming along, and there’s loads to look forward to. There might even be a couple of blues albums in the pipeline, as well as new tracks featuring me on some new Luke Lucas tracks!

Howard Head

I turn confused bass enthusiasts into bass gods through a simple and logical process.